RCGEN Educare
ECD (Early Childhood Development)
We take care of children aged 0 to 6 years old.
We have 4 classes according to the age group.
1. 0 - 18 months
2. 18 - 36 months
3. 3 - 4 Years
4. 4 - 5 years
5. Grade R
We have teachers who are qualified with Level 4 in Early Childhood Development.
We are providing nutrition food:
Monday to Friday
- Breakfast
- Snack
- Lunch
- Snack
The education, services and meals that we provide is the of highest possible standard - however the parents of the children are without income and as such we survive on the Lord's Grace through donations and corporate sponsors.
We are running the curriculum that is registered and we are in partnership the local and international organizations.

Our Banking Details:
Mr Ghydala Guy Guy Ngulungu
Account type: FNB Easy
Account Number: 628154 72098
Branch Code: 250655
Cell Number: 078 507 6679